Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday from Ghana

This is the first effort to Blog from Ghana this year. Its proving to require a little more patience than normal.


Some comments from the travelers:

Smoak here... I got yelled at by the soldiers for not having my visa but no prison time. Jordan and Adam are at the beach. Getting ready to here Eric preach at Fetteh, travelling thousands of miles to hear a Knoxville preacher is weird. A little kid in Detroit kept taking Jordans picture on his cell phone because of the hat and sunglasses.

The flights were long but every thing went smooth. No one is sick. Praise God for all. Dorian

I am so thankful to be arrived safely in Africa for many reasons, not least of which is the knowledge that I do not have to get back on the plane for another week! My traveling companions are fabulous and the organization of the group has been impressive. So far all of Africa has been dark but I am looking forward to today and seeing this beautiful country of God's creation in the morning light. My heart reaches out to my people back home - little and big. Loving you much. - Michelle

I am no longer afraid to fly! By the time we boarded in Amsterdam,I was ready to go! I am feeling great and ready to help in any way possible. I love you and miss you already-Teresa


We'll try to post often.


Joan said...

This is the meal crew from PASSONS
CENTRAL! We miss you - David prayed for your mission today. You have some people who want to BLOG you:
;)this is david we REALLY miss you.
this is allison well by now
yello, this is yo homie j, jake. i hope you are having a good time. peace out home dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Mama, Amy, Sarah, Jake, David, and Allison are heading to Pigeon Forge for the night. We plan to eat at Mr. Gatti's tomorrow and we'll probably see "Horton Hears A Who" sometime this week.... STAY SAFE!!!

hi its al again by again.

Hey guys- This is Amy. I hope that you are having a great time and seeing a lot of new and interesting things. Have fun in Africa and don't get eaten by a lion! Love you - Amy

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joan said...

Hope all is well with you guys!
Write back,

paige bonner said...

Hi Eric. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well thus far. Write back when you can and don't forget to check the other posts because we will be commenting often. Much love!! Paige

Unknown said...

hey Emily!
this is Genevieve. thanks for the note on my mirror! i hope you enjoyed reading my note! haha! take lots of pictures and write in your notebook for me. we are all praying for you and hope youre doing well.
i love you and miss you!

paige bonner said...

Eric...Tennessee is a #2 seed playing American University in Birmingham on Friday. It was really great talking to you. I love you. Paige

Anonymous said...
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KatieSmoak said...

Hi Mom!

This is David and Abby!

From David: I love you! I am at Katie's house.

From Abby: I love you! and I love Grandma.

This is Katie.

We are all doing fine. Judah seems to be struggling just a bit without you here.

Hello Smoak Boys! We sure do miss you! I am glad that you arrived safe. So glad you didn't have to serve any prison time.

I miss you; work hard!


Judah and Michelle said...
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Judah and Michelle said...

(Learning how this post stuff works)

Hey guys. Who ever gave Michelle the phone yesterday, thank you.

The kids seem to be handling mom's absence better than dad. No worries, though. We went to Crackerbarrel with the Smoaks, Birchers, and Wilsons last night. I got them some veggies, so they should be good to go for a while.

You guys take care of my girl over there. I am proud of you, Chelle.

Love you, -J

Quad Squad! said...

Hey Michelle! I'm so glad to hear that you arrived safely! You and all your companions are in our prayers! God bless you all and the work you are doing in Ghana!

Unknown said...

All the way to Africa. You've grown up so fast.
Be safe. Your in our Canadian thoughts.