Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday PM Post

Tuesday’s Blog
Hi from Teresa!
It’s about 1pm on Tuesday and I’ve just finished gobbling down Leticia’s delicious tuna and corned beef sandwiches. We were fairly busy in the clinic this morning and I was grateful to have time to rest a bit. Working with Mike,Guy, Michelle and everyone else has been awesome! My interpreter, Leticia, has been a joy to work with and get to know! I wish my words could do her justice. Don, It was good to here from you- tell the kids mommy loves them and I wear their pictures to the clinic and talk about them a lot( as usual) This trip is an incredible experience and I’m grateful for everyone’s thoughts and prayers. I am learning so much! I see God’s hand in everything!

Hey everyone (Christy here)! So far, this experience has been one of the best ever. When I got here, I realized it would be hot, but I NEVER imagined it could possibly be this warm in any part of the world! Besides the heat, everything is like something from a fantasy for me… It still hasn’t just well ‘clicked that I am on a mission. I am a missionary right now. It’s crazy to think that all of the fun I have been having, and acting like an 8 year old has been for God. I miss all of you desperately, and hope that you all are having a great time at home!I love you….Christy


This is James writing. As I sit recovering/cooling down from the visit to Senya church and school, Eric and Jordan are on the porch just outside the window in a Bible study with two young men ages 19 & 20. The clinic is on going; Beth and crew are putting up bulletin boards.

Several of us went to Senya this afternoon to assess the situation. Senya is the next town west of Fetteh along the coast. Even with its fabulous view of the Atlantic Ocean, it is a community where the people scrape out a living at the most basic level. Just outside the building was a woman bending from the waste preparing food in bowls on the ground. Next to her were two open fires in little clay fire pits in the shape of an horse shoes. The real purpose of the visit was to see six or more handicapped children inside the large room with rough concrete floors and windows without screens. I’ll let Beth, Teresa, Stephanie and Michelle fill in on what their professional and caring eyes saw. Watching these three in action will be one of my most powerful memories of this trip. It was like I was living a “Save the Children” commercial.

Christy, Emily, Jordan and myself visited with the school children, entertained them cameras. I gave English lessons which my family will find amusing. We had fun with: head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, arm, elbow and so on.

On the way back to the Village of Hope, we were filled with emotion as we were overwhelmed with what we saw. We said a prayer of thanksgiving for our own lives, we asked for understanding of what we witnessed, and we asked that we may find ways to help these children, their families and the community.

James 2:50 PM


Hello again from Michelle
Many who know me have heard how I love my job and my profession and always intended to work in some capacity again in the future. I had no idea how much my professional training could be used in God’s kingdom. Truly God can be used in every profession and wherever you are. You read above that we took a trip outside the village today to another community some miles away. I can not imagine a more base way of life yet the children were as adorable as they could be. Surely the Lord was present in that place. I feel humbled that God called this not very well traveled pediatric PT to a remote village in Africa because there were precious souls in need of my very specific training. May I also say that the church family there was humbling – their devotion to children not their own but in desperate need of love and care was overwhelming. We could not give much in our short time but I believe that the greatest gift we gave was hope. Hope that the children can do more and grow in their independence, hope that their efforts can benefit some child of God, and hope that others in the world love and care for them. The Village of Hope could not have a better name. I have treated many children in my years of therapy and it is powerful to see a personality emerge from disability and it is powerful to help give a voice to a speechless child, but truly I am moved to tears at seeing some “voices” emerge today. God is so Good.

To Judah, David, and Abby I am loving you much and hope to get to speak with you soon.

Michelle 4:PM


Don said...

Teresa, great to hear from you. Everything is good here, the kids are having a great time and we are keeping them busy. We are very proud of you for being so willing to do this mission trip.
We love and miss you very much.


Jeffery Lee said...

It was good to hear from you Christy. Glad to know that you are having a great and productive time. Try to stay cool. Love, Ferge

Judah and Michelle said...

Morning, 'chelle.

Mrs. Goodlsby did an amazing job yesterday. The kids absolutely loved her. Today, Katie got to the house around 7:30. Again, the kids were not really phased. I did get a kiss good by, and a "see you later, dad." Tonight is church, and no meetings afterwards! Can you believe it?

I knew this trip was going to be an amazing experience for you. I am so thankful that you are doing such amazing work. The kids are very clear about where you are, what you are doing, and that it is God's work. How did we get blessed with such amazing children?

You are truly awesome. When you get back, I am definitely taking you to McDonalds!



KatieSmoak said...

How exciting it is to read all your posts! Keep the info coming; I am so hungry for it!

I have enjoyed my day with David and Abbie. We met Hunter and Sully for lunch at McDonald's and then we went to see Horton Hears a Who. Abbie is now down for her nap. What sweet kids you have. It has been a joy staying with them.

Takes lots of pictures to share!

Love and miss you,

Unknown said...

stephanie hodge.
hi mommy!!!we love you soooooo much(sorry i forgot to take my finger off the key!lol)but anyways, how is it like teaching the kids there?Have you seen any animals?You dont know how bad we miss you.Hopefully you miss us to! But we only have 4 more days left on the bright side!We know we know its hard not to see your family, but dont cry!Call soon, and we love you!