Want a Mentor?
- List the qualities you want/need in a mentor. Think of your learning style, personality preferences, and desired skills.
- Ask someone in leadership(a pastor,etc) if they know someone who fits those qualifications.
- Meet with someone and talk about possible mentoring possibilities. Do not expect an answer right away. You may not even want to phrase it that way at the beginning. You could start with. "I admire......Could we get together and talk about how you manage that in your life...."
Want to Mentor?
- Ask trusted others if they see you as qualified to mentor, and in what areas. Consider a spiritual gift inventory (I know we have access to several, let me know if you are interested)
- Go to a leader or other knowledgeable person and ask if they know anyone seeking the skills you have available. Do they know anyone with undeveloped talents in your area of skill? This can be a youth or adult.
- Meet with someone to talk about your shared interests. Perhaps suggest doing something in that area together. Formalized structure may not be needed or wanted in the beginning, leave things open.
I hope everyone has a blessed next few weeks. Remember we will not be having class next week due to Thanksgiving and so the teasers will not resume until December 2.