Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday Teaser for 11/12

As we begin to prepare for a study on change I am struck again by the principles that we often apply to individuals and their equally powerful application to a body of individuals.

Tomorrow we will look at the change that occurs when we follow Christ. (First of all - was there any change? - Were you perfect before? Have you allowed the transforming power of the Spirit to work on you?) After reading 2Cor 5:17 where we learn that we are a new creation, the author asks what changes we saw in a friend that put on Christ. This made me think quickly to see if I knew anyone who had become a Christian during my knowing them. We often hang out in our circles, raising our children to follow Christ and they then get their own circle of Christian friends. Where are the friendships with non-Christ followers? Before I can see the change I have to know someone outside the camp of circled wagons. Thankfully I can think of some who came to know Christ after they were a friend, but not as many as I would like. I have seen softening and redirection in previously unexpected ways in these folks. The power of Christ to change lives is amazing, as testified by the effectiveness of the rag tag bunch of followers that spread Christ's message to the world in the first few centuries after His death on a cross. Do we stand in the way of this power? Individually? Corporately?

What can learn about the transforming power to change us - really change our inner self, not just a couple of check mark behaviors?

What change can occur in our fellowship if we get out of the Spirit's way?

See you tomorrow!

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