Thursday, November 13, 2008

REAL Change

Thanks to the girls who came last night to participate in the discussion on change. It seemed like everyone was well engaged and I hope you all are enjoying this experience as much as I am. I am so pleased that you have put thought into the lessons before we come together, even if I stray off topic and away from the questions you so thoughtfully completed. The highlights from last night...

  • We, as followers of Christ, should believe in real change. Not through our own willpower but the transforming power of the Spirit within us. Remember the verses in Rom 13:12-14, Eph 5:3-8, and particularly 1 Cor 6:9-11. We are messed up people, but are washed and no longer what we were. We are changed. Does this mean we will be perfect? NO. Does it mean we have the power to be different? ABSOLUTELY. Let's not get in the way of the work of the Spirit in our lives. HE can do great things. Look at the lives of the first disciples - their witness was strengthened by the change that overcame their lives as they followed Christ. The change in our lives can be our most compelling witness to the reality of a living God.
  • Christ helps us change by breaking the pattern of failure in our lives. The numbers of people suffering from depression in this country is staggering - we can find ourselves beaten down from the outside and from within. Feel the affirming love of God (Romans 5:7-8) Rely on His strength, not your own.
  • In observing the separation between Paul and Barnabus we see a lesson on change. While Paul did not see a "changed" John Mark in Acts 15, we know that later they were working together in the kingdom (Col 4:10, 2 Tim 4:11, and Philem 24). Apparently both learned that change could occur. We can not force others to change, but we can trust that God has the power to do so.

Some suggested activities...

  • Make a list of the positive changes you have seen in your life over the past ten years -this should give some perspective - sometimes changes move very slowly and we get discouraged when we don't step back far enough. Ten years ago would not have seen me writing this blog. :)
  • Pray that God will open your eyes on the area of your life He wants to change next. Help Him in this, perhaps you need to get out of His way.
  • Try something that you previously failed at. Make this a positive experience. Have you failed at keeping some resolution way back from January - dust it off and give it another go. Will it work for sure this time? No guarantees, but don't live your life assuming things will never change.

Lastly - when thinking of growth and change within yourself, think also that God's vision extends beyond you - what are you doing to strengthen the body overall?
