I am very excited about this week's topic - real mentors. We all remember writing the sad little essays on our heroes while in school. I always found that a challenging assignment. The societal heroes in the media - sports, movies, tv, etc - do nothing for me. Why acting skills equate with political and social expertise escapes me. We do not hear many stories on real heroes, except Mother Theresa and her story lost its power in its trite repeated retellings. (I have read the biography - it is a powerful story worth studying, but surely she was not the only person living an amazing life for a cause beyond herself?) We are a society in need of someone to look up to.
We have some amazing women at Farragut and I would no longer struggle to write that school essay. Mentoring can be such a blessing and I would love to see more of that going on (insert plug for the ladies retreat in February and Monday morning ladies class in general - those women will inspire you). I am grateful that I once participated in an official mentoring program while in grad school. It was the best thing I have done professionally speaking - EVER. I can only imagine what God could do with that program spiritually and emotionally.
Let's come prepared to talk about mentor. Why don't we "formalize" those relationships more often? God frequently uses others to teach us His ways - why aren't we more proactive in that process? When you have a mentor you are essentially saying "I like the way you do things - can you teach me your methods/way/thinking/style?" When you are the mentee (real word) you take on some one's "yoke" and follow in their footsteps. Wonder what that sounds like.....
Jesus was/is the ultimate mentor.
See you tomorrow!