I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. It is my favorite holiday, since it the only time I see some members of my family. I pray that we are all returning with more energy and desire for community. This week we will be studying equality. Another difficult topic. We live in a world that likes to rank things. There are top ten everything. What are your top movies? Top tv shows? Top friends? We are not called to be best friends with everyone, not everyone can tolerate my quirkiness. However we are equal in the eyes of God. Some are not more equal than others. That is in opposition to the very definition of the word equal!
This week we will be looking at the book of Philemon. A fascinating personal look at a very unique set of circumstances. It is almost a made for tv plot. Slave runs away from master, accidentally encounters another man who knows previous owner, learns the good news of Christ and now finds himself returning to the life he ran from - voluntarily. We can sometimes think we live in tumultuous times in regards to race and socioeconomic status. I think even the 60s could not hold a candle to the concepts that first century followers of Christ were asked to deal with as it relates to equality.
Gods definition of worth goes beyond our job, our money, our skin or hair color, our country of origin, our education, our physical abilities, or even our knowledge of Him. We are all loved by the same creator, and he wants ALL to be saved. In Him all are equal - period.
See you tomorrow!