Thursday, December 04, 2008

REAL Equality

Thank you to all the girls who made it to class last night. I enjoyed this topic, even if it is difficult since it speaks to the desire in each of us to be better than those around us. When we are young we can perceive the world as revolving around us - talk to any three year old and they will prove it. :) However God calls us to move beyond being spiritual three year olds and begin to see others the way He sees them - as wonderfully made and beloved by Him.

What is all came down to is that equality is not a word we can throw around. Equality will not be seen through words but in action. Do you treat others as equal to yourself, whether they have the same background as you or not? Our challenges this week...

  • Smile and give encouraging words to EVERYONE around you this week. Even the painfully slow drive through worker and the annoying friend who does not know they are annoying.
  • Ask three people how they see God working int heir lives. This may bring a few surprises and might be a much needed question for them as well.
  • Listen to someone you would typically blow off - there are many people we breeze by in a weeks time.

Short post today - we need actions not words to practice equality.

See you next week...