Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tuesday Teaser for 10/8

I hope we are all ready for another great discussion on authentic relationships. This week we will be discussing trust. It is another word that we throw around at times without thinking too deeply about the definition. So in order to prepare for our talk tomorrow I want to ask:
  • What is your definition of trust?
  • What do you require from others in order for you to "trust" them?
  • How is trust involved in following rules/commands?

I have recently been reading a biography of Mother Teresa and it is awesome. She was a great example of God's love to His people (all His people, even those who do not profess to follow Him). Many things have struck me in this reading but one which relates to this weeks lesson. Mother Teresa trusted God's direction in her life. He "asked" her to do amazing things and she did them without hesitation. When she said she would trust God to provide her food, she meant that - she walked out of the door of the convent without anything. She did not pack some provisions or arrange for food donations first - actions we would have considered sensible - she simply walked out. She trusted God. When we feel that God has "asked" us to do something, do we trust that it will work out, or do we arrange things to make it happen? Please do not think I am suggesting that we wander the streets waiting for divine intervention, because God does call us to action and wise decisions. However sometimes I think we plan and arrange and set up and discuss and rethink and I think you get my point. Where is the trust in that scenario?

This week I pray that we look to God and trust in His direction. I pray that we act on that direction and support one another along the way. See you tomorrow!

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