Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thursday word from VOH

From Jon, Alex, and Cameron...

Lightening, trips to the future Senya House of Love property, and Singing with and hearing the VOH Children's Chorus...What a day...Oh,  yea, we saw patients today---a few hundred in the eye and medical clinic, the main reason we came.

How was your day?  A little harried, hurried or was it horendous?  We all had a great day here with Alex in the eye clinic, Cameron triaging/weighing patients in the sun, and I finished up in the medical clinic.  We had to buy a 1000 more iburprofen as we had been out for 24h before.  Tylenol was short in supply too.  The way people do manual labor here with their backs bent to 90 degrees forward and their nose nearly to the ground, I have no need for an MRI to know what is wrong with their low backs.  Another day of surprize and variety in the medical clinic with boils, worms, and malaria among the cases of malignant high blood pressure, ear infections, and children with failure to thrive problems.  No surgery cases today and we are glad for that.  WE have passed out and will complete tomorrow with a set of dental supplies: toothpaste, tooth brushes and floss/pics for each of the houses of children, plus a few left over for the masses.  Our medical and eye clinics are over for the week,but the needs continue every day.  Four of us went to see the newly donated 20 acres of land that Jackson is clearing for planting and part of which will be the new site for the physically challenged children and others.  It was a  semi-cloudy day with a steady breeze.  As we bounced up the new dirt road that was just cut by the bulldozer on the side of the road, we were presented with a wonderful vision of what could be for these desparate children of Senya that Jackson has accumulated.  Corn, Yams, and Peppers growing on at least half and the other 1/2 acreage used for houses and storage.  No more dirt covered concrete floors in the middle of the "downtown Senya". 

Alex, Cameron and Carrie, Will and Kaleigh have out worked us all and without complaint!!  They are to be praised for their efforts in hot, humid conditions and little in amenties: no phones, no DVDs, no movies, etc.  We all love them for the great example they are leaving in front of our eyes.

Some shopping, touring the Rain Forest, and just relaxing tomorrow. Off to Germany Saturday night and Paris for us on Sunday until Wed. for vacation with a few others.  Good is God and we ask for His continued blessings as we travel on.

Good night and thank you for your prayers for us.


1 comment:

rcorum said...

I am so proud of each and everyone of you for the work that you have continued to do at the Village of Hope and the surrounding area. You have been in my prayers daily. God bless you all.

Richard Corum