Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 12 in Albania

One of my students could not come this morning so I am using the time to send another email which may be my last before I leave this weekend. Charles will continue to keep us informed if he can get away from his students long enough. He will be here another two weeks. He is happy since he got his lost bag on Sunday and his PIN.

Anna - please forward this email on the other elders and to John Harris who will forward to the ECHOS. I know a lot of prayers have been said for us and they are working. You might also put a note in the bulletin that everyone can read these Albania reports from us on the church web page blog. Thanks for posting them.

I forget to mention in my last email that there was a baptism here in Tirana on Sunday. Of course Charles, Gwen and I were in Lushnje visiting with Tom Bonner.

Paul. tell Jason about Tom Langley's foot (cracked heel at swimming pool). Jason knows Tom from his interview at Maryville. Pray that Tom makes it home OK this weekend on his crutches. He has an overnight in London that he is concerned about. He also fell on Sunday on a slick surface at the hotel and broke one of his crutches. But he is still teaching!

Tirana is a a very populated city. In the early evening between 7:00 and 9:00 I believe all million residents are on the street walking or in the parks or bars along the streets. I remarked to Gwen that walking down the street is like going to or from a UT football game or walking in New York during rush hours. The difference is the people are not in a hurry. They are all talking to each other, about what I do not know, but they certainly like to socialize with each other unlike most Americans.

The traffic in Triana continues to increase even more than last year, again like going to a UT football game but there is no game just people interacting with people. There is still much construction in process here, roads, streets, and buildings. The money changers on the streets have all been replaced with ATMs to Tirana is looking more like any big city in any developed country, but outside the city it's another story.

Our students are getting more and more interested in the Bible, and we are gradually trying to get them connected with some of the members of the church here so when we leave and the campaign is over they will have friends at church still here. Yesterday Gwen took one of her student to have coffee/tea with a member of the church here her age. When Gwen had to go meet with her next student, the two Albanians continued to talk making a good connection with each other.

I could say more, but I am going to stop while you are still interested. Ask me more when I get home.


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