Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday Night Ladies Class - Spring(ish) quarter
I have enjoyed studying with you all over the past several months, but unfortunately will no longer be able to teach on Wednesday nights. I have commitments with the new children's ministry strategy that will not allow me to do two things at once. I have tried the overbooking before and I always end up stressed out. We are in search of a new facilitator and I have no fear that one will be found. I have made some calls already and the class will continue, after all the world does not revolve around me anyway. :) I hope you all will be checking out and getting on board with the format changes for our children. I am excited to be a part of it and saddened only in that I will be missing my class time with you guys. Pray for these changes, change is rarely easy. Pray for me and my family. God is so big He can do it all, ask Him to help us know where to place our energies each day. The blogging will continue but will not be regular as in the past. I hope we will use it more and more as time goes on. Blessing to you all!!!