Thursday, October 23, 2008


We had a small class last night, due I suppose to fall break. I expect you all to be back next week! Even with the small number I really enjoyed the time with my sisters and their input, youngest to oldest. :)
We tackled the challenging topic of loving the way God loves last night. We examined the story of Jacob and Esau reuniting. In it Jacob was able to see the face of God in his brother, through the love and forgiveness that was shown. It is humbling to think that I can show someone the face of God in my actions. The flip side of that is that if they are looking and it is not God that they see, then what ugliness am I showing? Yuck.
We learned that you can not grow in your relationship with God without subsequently growing in your dealing with others. We were made to live in community. God is a relational being and calls us to be as well. While one-on-one time with God is vital to spiritual growth, it is not all that we need. Jesus frequently withdrew to pray and be with the Father, but then He immediately went back into the trenches. We are messy people - all of us. I have used this image before but since it is mine I can use it whenever I want without plagiarism. :) Often in our dealings with others we put on protective equipment, think of the gowns, gloves, and masks in the medical arena. We do not want their germs, their "dirt," to get on us in any way. Jesus never wore protective equipment. Think of the hands-on approach He took with lepers! We need to remove our metaphorical PPE (personal protective equipment) and wade in. Be willing to get their dirt on us. Take off the gigantic waders and slog through. Your tennis shoes will never be white again, but your soul will. Practice unexpected grace. Show someone the face of God. They must see His face before they will listen to His word.

Two sets of applications for you - the first is from the book, the second is not.
  • When there is conflict, take the initiative to resolution before the next worship gathering. Think of Mt 5:23-24 Do not offer anything to God without at least trying to resolve the conflict. You can not change the other person, but through God both hearts can be changed.
  • Seek reconciliation between a family member by calling or writing. Be sure to show love, not blame.
  • Fill your heart with passages on forgiveness. Mt 6:14-15; 18:21-35; Lk 17:3-4; Eph 4:32; Col 3:13

Thinking of Love -Choosing to give someone your time and attention, no matter what. These tasks will not necessarily be possible in one week

  • Reach out to someone this week, either verbally or with the written word. A note of encouragement or support. Make this to someone who may not be expecting something from you. Reach outside of your normal box. Show unexpected love.
  • Spend time with that person, one-on-one or very small group, within the next month. Invite them into your home, or to go for a walk or whatever. Give the gift of time and attention.
  • Meet a need in their life over the next 6 months. Every one's needs are different. Only by investing your time will you be able to see the need. Even folks with tons of money have needs. You can not pick someone who doesn't have a need.

Be the face of God, show unexpected grace.

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